Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2023). Quest Narrative Development: Genre Specific Adventures. Session to be presented at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning, Virtual Conference.
Tussey, J. & Haas, L. (2023). Questing and Literacy in the Elementary Classroom. Session to be presented at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning, Virtual Conference.
Tussey, J., Haas, L., Bibler, J., & Metzger, M. (2023). Supporting English Language Learners in Our Classrooms. Virtual presentation at the 3rd IAFOR Conference on Educational Research and Innovation, Washington D.C.
Tussey, J., Haas, L., Metzger, M., & Bibler, J. (2023). Learning Experiences to Support Equity for Students Living in Poverty. Virtual presentation at 9th Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Tokyo, Japan.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2023). Multimodal Communication in the Literacy Classroom. Virtual presentation at the 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Education, Singapore.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2023). Digital and Tactile Games to Support Literacy Instruction. Virtual presentation at the 8th IAFOR International Conference on Education - Hawaii.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2022). Strategies and Activities to Promote Active Engagement in the Classroom. Virtual presentation at the Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo, Japan.
Tussey, J., Metzger, M., & Bibler, J. (2022). Utilizing Mentor Texts with Elementary Students. Virtual presentation at the 10th European Conference on Education, London, United Kingdom.
Tussey, J., Bibler, J., & Metzger, M. (2022). Games to Support Vocabulary Development with Elementary Students. Virtual presentation at the 10th European Conference on Language Learning, London, United Kingdom.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J., (2022). Quest Narrative Development. Session presented at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning. Virtual Conference.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2022). Games to Support Literacy Skills. Session presented at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning. Virtual Conference.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2022). Building Narrative Roadmaps for Quest-Based Learning. Session at Serious Play Conference, Orlando, FL.
Tussey, J., Haas, L., & Metzger, M. (2022). Supporting Student Engagement and Active Participation During Times of Change in Higher Education. Session presented at A Focus on Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Research in the Modern Academy. Virtual Conference.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2022). Goal Setting in the Classroom to Promote Academic and Social-Emotional Growth. Virtual presentation at the 7th IAFOR International Conference on Education - Hawaii.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Popular Culture, Persuasive Writing, and Engagement. Virtual presentation at the Barcelona Conference on Education, Barcelona, Spain.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021). Resilience Throughout Books for Young Learners. Virtual presentation at the Barcelona Conference on Education, Barcelona, Spain.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L., (2021). Student Engagement Webinar with Dr. Jill Tussey and Dr. Leslie Haas. World Literacy Foundation - International Literacy Day 2021. Virtual Event.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Storytelling Connections to Fanfiction. Session to be presented at the UKLA 56th International Conference, Oxford, England.
Tussey, J., & Metzger, M. (2021). Getting Kids Engaged with Literacy Bags. Session presented at the UKLA 56th International Conference, Oxford, England.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Reading video games and playing books in K-12 education. Session presented at Serious Play Online. Virtual Conference.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021). Bringing Games into Early Childhood Classrooms. Virtual presentation at the Irish Conference on Game Based Learning, Cork, Ireland.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Video Game Narratives and Fanfiction Supporting Writing Instruction. Virtual presentation at the Irish Conference on Game Based Learning, Cork, Ireland.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021). Adopting Hybrid Instruction in Higher Education. Virtual presentation at the Southeast Asian Conference on Education. Singapore.
Haas, L., & Tussey J. (2021). Preservice Teachers’ Clinical Experience with ESL Literacy Instruction via Popular Culture. Virtual presentation at the Southeast Asian Conference on Education. Singapore.
Tussey, J., & Metzger, M. (2021). Embracing Technology in Literacy and Math with Preservice Teachers in Higher Education. Session presented at Online Education: Teaching in a Time of Change. Virtual Conference.
Bauer, J., Haas, L., & Fuller, M. (2021). TechEd Tools and Lesson Strategies to Better ENGAGE Students. Panel session presented at Higher Education: Technologies and Strategies in the New Blended World Virtual Event.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021). Supporting Literacy in High Poverty Areas. Virtual presentation at The Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Tokyo, Japan.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Curriculum Design and Development for Undergraduate Literacy Courses. Virtual presentation at The Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Tokyo, Japan.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Teaching and learning in a Hybrid Environment. Virtual presentation at the 6th IAFOR International Conference on Education - Hawaii.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021). Developing Master Courses in Higher Education Learning Environments. Virtual presentation at the 6th IAFOR International Conference on Education - Hawaii.
Past Presentations
National and International Student Collaborators *
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2020). Equity and Engagement through Game-Based Learning. Virtual presentation at the Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers’ VIRTUAL Professional Development Summit: Literacy through a New Lens.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2020). Expanding Literacy through Game-Based Learning. Virtual presentation at the Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers’ VIRTUAL Professional Development Summit: Literacy through a New Lens.
Tussey, J., & Haas L. (2020). Master Course Development in Higher Education. Virtual poster session at Virtually Together 2020: University Professional and Continuing Education Association’s (UPCEA) Central Region Conference.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2020). Understanding and Utilizing Game-Based Learning and Gamification Pedagogical Practices. Virtual presentation at the Irish Conference on Game Based Learning, Cork, Ireland.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2020). Gamification in Undergraduate Hybrid Class Development to Increase Engagement. Virtual presentation at the Irish Conference on Game Based Learning, Cork, Ireland.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2020). Literacy and Pop Culture: Connections to Engagement. Virtual Lightening Talk at the 4th Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy, Tallinn, Estonia.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2020). Supporting Writers with Mentor Texts. Virtual Lightening Talk at the 4th Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy, Tallinn, Estonia.
Vasinda, S., Haas, L., Schroeder, L.*, & Goode, K.* (2019). Topics and Trends: 10-year Retrospective Analysis of ALER Conference Yearbook 2007-2017. Session presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Corpus Christi, TX.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2019). Multimodal Text Sets in K-12 Classrooms. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Corpus Christi, TX.
Haas, L., & Metzger, M. (2019). Questing Across Time and Space with Disciplinary Literacy. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Corpus Christi, TX.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2019). Digital Game-Based Literacy as a Support for Equity and Engagement. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Corpus Christi, TX.
Garcia, S., Alexander, P., Fazio-Brunson, M., Bear, D., Haas, L., Haas, I.* Hailey, D. J., Idris, D., Strong, M., & Tussey, J. (2019). Personal Readers (PRs). Roundtable presentation at the International Literacy Association’s Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2019). Fan Fiction: Digital Media as Mentor Texts. Oral presentation at the 18th Nordic Literacy Conference and the 21st European Conference on Literacy, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2019). Nonfiction Texts Sets Save the Day. Oral presentation at the 18th Nordic Literacy Conference and the 21st European Conference on Literacy, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Haas, L., & Donato, M. (2019). Games, Greek Mythology, & Pop Culture. Virtual presentation at the Irish Conference on Game Based Learning, Cork, Ireland.
Tussey, J., (2019). Get Kids Moving with Learning Games. Presentation at the Irish Conference on Game Based Learning, Cork, Ireland.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2018). Master Course Design: Leading Literacy. Roundtable presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Louisville, KY.
Haas, L. (2018). Reading Video Games and Playing Books in Undergraduate Teacher Education. Roundtable presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Louisville, KY.
Robnolt, V., Rhodes, J., Austin, O., Gray, J., Vasinda, S., Sullivan, P., Haas, L., Thacker-Gwaltney, S., & Simkin, C. (2018). What We Have Learned from Implementing Online and Hybrid Literacy Programs: A View from the Field. Session presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Louisville, KY.
Garcia, S., Alexander, P., Fazio-Brunson, M., Haas, L., Hailey, D. J., Idris, D., Pallotta, J., & Strong, M. (2018). Using Popular Children's Literature as a Bridge to the Language Experience Approach: Making Reading Personal and Successful for ALL Learners. Session at the International Literacy Association's Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
Haas, L. (2018). Reading Video Games and Playing Books. Session presented at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning, Cork City, Ireland.
Tussey, J., (2018). Instructional Games in Higher Education. Presentation at the Irish Conference on Game Based Learning, Cork, Ireland.
Sullivan, P., Loveless, D. J., Robnolt, V., Austin, O., Gray, J., Hunger, G., Rhodes, J., Vasinda, S., & Haas, L. (2017). Considering the Ethical, Transformative, and Reflective Use of Digital Technologies within Advanced Studies of Literacy. Symposium presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, St. Petersburg, FL.
Haas, L., Fazio-Brunson, M., Lado, A., Moore, J., Ramirez, M., Rasinski, T., Strong, M., & Vasinda, S. (2015). Language Experience as a Way to Help Students Achieve Greater Literacy. Session presented at the International Literacy Association’s 2015 Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Haas, L., Vasinda, S., & McLeod, J. K. (2013). Get Your Game On: Extending and Expanding Notions of Home and Family Literacy. Session presented at the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Dallas, TX.
Sampson, M. B., Szabo, S., Green, C., Haas, L., & Linek, W. M. (2013). Phase Three: Developing a Valid and Reliable Instrument to Assess Teachers' Perceptions, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices Related to English Language Learners. Session presented at the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Dallas, TX.
Haas, L., Robnolt, V. J., Vasinda, S., & Rhodes, J. A. (2013). Exploring the World of e-Portfolios in Pre-Service Teacher Preparation Programs. Session presented at the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Dallas, TX.
Haas, L, & Vasinda, S. (2013). Home and Family Literacy in the 21st Century: Virtual World Gaming. Session presented at the International Reading Association's 58th Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
Haas, L., & Linek, W. M. (2012). Equitable Access and Leveled Vocabulary Embedded within Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). Session presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Grand Rapids, MI.
Haas, L., & Linek, W. M. (2012). Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Development of Belief Systems about English Language Learners. Session presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Grand Rapids, MI.
Linek, W. M., Green, C., Haas, L., Szabo, S., & Sampson, M. B. (2012). Developing a Valid and Reliable Instrument to Assess Teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices Related to English Language Learners: Phase Two. Session presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Grand Rapids, MI.
Williams, S., Haas, L., Szabo, S., & Chiarelli, M. (2012). Inspirational Inquiry: Reflective Pre-service Project Based Learning. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Grand Rapids, MI.
Haas, L., & Vasinda, S. (2012). Motivation for Developing Literacy through Virtual World Gaming. Session presented at The 16th Nordic Reading Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Vasinda, S., & Haas, L. (2012). Validating Voice: Podcasting as a Powerhouse to Strengthen Vocabulary and Comprehension. Session presented at The 16th Nordic Reading Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Linek, W. L., Haas, L., Garcia, M., Hillis, K. E., Boggs, M., & Page, L. (2011). Undergraduate Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, and Attitudes about English Language Learners: The Impact of Teacher Education Coursework in Literacy. Session presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Richmond, VA.
Richardson, J., Rhodes, J., Robnolt, V., Rearick, M., Haas, L., & Modla, G. (2011). What Does it Mean to Read in the Digital Age? Symposium presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Richmond, VA.
Williams, S., Boggs, M., Haas, L., Nottingham, M., Brumfield, M., & Manning, C. (2011). Working to Build Transliteracy Spaces in Reading Classrooms. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Richmond, VA.
Haas, L., & Linek, W. M. (2011). Metacognition and Social Constructivism in the United States: Teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, and Attitudes about English. Roundtable presented at the 17th European Conference on Reading, Mons, Belgium.
Boggs, M., Brumfield, M., Haas, L., Manning, C., Nottingham, M., & Williams, S. (2011). First Contact: Working to Build Transliteracy Spaces in Classrooms. Roundtable presented at the 3 T's: Exploring New Frontiers in Teaching, Technology, and Transliteracy, Johnstown, NY.
Haas, L., & Glaeser, S. (2010). Online Gaming: The Motivational Value for Literacy in English Language Learners. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.
Page L., Garcia, M., & Haas L. (2010). What Background Knowledge Do Pre-Service Teachers Bring to the Classroom: Infusing ELL Strategies in Elementary Literacy Courses. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.
Linek, W. M., Glaeser, S., & Haas, L. (2010). Metacognition and Social Constructivism: Teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, and Attitudes about English Language Learners in Content Areas. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.
Haas, L., & Glaeser, S. (2010). The Motivational Value of Online Virtual World Gaming for English Language Learners. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Omaha, NE.
Garcia, M., Page, L., & Haas, L. (2010). Infusing ELL Strategies in Courses for Elementary Preservice Teachers: What Background Knowledge Do They Bring to the Classroom? Session presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Omaha, NE.
Linek, W. M., Haas, L., & Glaeser, S. (2010). Literacy in Content Areas: Teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, and Attitudes about English Language Learners. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Omaha, NE.
Local, State, and Regional
Metzger, M., & Haas, L. (2020). Math and Gaming. Session presented at the Northwest Iowa GRiT Conference. Storm Lake, IA.
Haas, L., & Metzger, M. (2019). Questing Across Time & Space Utilizing Problem Solving. Session presented at the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Des Moines, IA.
Bhattacharyya, S., Hecht, J., Brodman, B., & Haas, L. (2019). Madagascar: McCorkle Experience. Session presented at Faculty Friday, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA.
Haas, L. (2019). English Language Education – TESOL Instruction. Daiichi Summer Language Program. Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA.
Tussey, J., & Clark, A. (2019). Get Kids Reading with Book Bags. Oral presentation at the Iowa Reading Association Conference, Ames, Iowa.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2019). Game-Based Learning Opportunities Supporting Engagement and Equity. Buena Vista University’s School of Education Conference on Inclusive Education, Storm Lake, IA.
Metzger, M., & Haas, L. (2019). Questing Across Time and Space. Session presented at the Northwest Iowa GRiT Conference. Storm Lake, IA.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2018). Bringing Game-Based Learning into the Higher Education Classroom. Session presented at the Buena Vista University Adjunct Faculty Conference. Storm Lake, IA.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2018). Expanding Literacy Instruction Through Game-Based Learning. Session presented at MISIC Fall Conference - Learning by Design: Personalize It! Ankeny, IA.
Haas, L., & Mills, S. (2018). Exposure, Experience, & Empathy. Session presented at Faculty Friday, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA.
Tussey, J. (2017). Professional Learning Communities. Session presented at the Buena Vista University Adjunct Faculty Conference, Storm Lake, Iowa.
DeWitt, L., Haas, L., & Bedward, J. (2017). Future Makers: Growth Mindset, Critical Literacies, and The Next Economy. Buena Vista University Webinar, Storm Lake, IA.
Tussey, J. (2016). Expanding Literacy: Holiday Galore. Early Childhood Education Fall Conference, Creston, Iowa
Tussey, J. (2016). Getting to Know the Literacy Department. Session presented at the Buena Vista University Adjunct Faculty Conference, Storm Lake, Iowa.
Tussey, J. (2016). Expanding Literacy: If Your Give a Dog a Donut. Green Valley Association for the Education of Young Children, Creston, Iowa.
Tussey, J. (2015). Expanding Literacy: Going Beyond the Book with Pete the Cat. Early Childhood Education Fall Conference, Creston, Iowa.
Tussey, J. (2015). Expanding Literacy: Going Beyond the Book - Down on the Farm. Green Valley Association for the Education of Young Children, Creston, Iowa
Haas, L. (2015). Balanced Literacy as a Foundation for Close Reading. Session presented at the Texas Association for Literacy Education’s 2015 Literacy Summit, The Woodlands, TX.
Haas, L. (2015). Professional Development via Virtual and Digital Media. Session presented at the Texas Association for Literacy Education’s 2015 Literacy Summit, The Woodlands, TX.
Tussey, J. (2015). Mandating Excellence in Education. Beta Kappa Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, Winterset, Iowa.
Tussey, J. (2014). Expanding Literacy: Going Beyond the Book with Non-fiction. Green Valley Association for the Education of Young Children, Creston, Iowa.
Tussey, J. (2014). Expanding Literacy: Going Beyond the Book with Curious George. Green Valley Association for the Education of Young Children, Creston, Iowa.
Naizer, G., Hawthorne, M. J., Manning, C., & Haas, L. (2012). Project M2T2: Middle School Students' Changes in Attitude toward Math, Science and Technology. Paper presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Manning, C., & Haas, L. (2012). Differentiated Instruction: All Children Can Learn. Workshop presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Haas, L. (2011). Differentiation. Summer Technology Workshop: Commerce Independent School District, Commerce, TX.
Manning, C., Williams, S., & Haas, L. (2011). Differentiated Instruction: All Students Can Learn. Session presented at the 7th Annual Bill Martin, Jr. Memorial Symposium, Commerce, TX.
Haas, L. (2010). Speaking and Listening for Korean Teachers of English. TESOL-Intensive Winter Training-University of North Texas, Denton, TX.