We are currently working on a new book with Springer and are excited to share more soon! Additionally, we have a new book which will be available soon with IGI Global Publishing.
New Publications
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Authored Books
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (in progress). Exploring genre through gamified adventures. Springer Nature.
Haas, L., Tussey, J., & Metzger, M. (2022). Disciplinary literacy and gamified learning in middle school classrooms: Questing through time and space. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Haas, L., Metzger, M., & Tussey, J. (2021). Disciplinary literacy and gamified learning in elementary classrooms: Questing through time and space. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Edited Books
Cager, B. E., Tussey, J., & Haas. L. & Galloway-Burke, M. (Eds.). (in progress, 2023). Culturally responsive leadership for social justice and academic equity for all. IGI Global.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (Eds.) (2022). Disciplinary literacy as a support for culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning. IGI Global.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (Eds.). (2022). Poverty impacts on literacy education. IGI Global.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (Eds.). (2021). Supporting social and emotional development through literacy education. IGI Global.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (Eds.). (2021). Connecting disciplinary literacy and digital storytelling in K-12 education. IGI Global.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (Eds.). (2021). Disciplinary literacy connections to popular culture in K-12 setting. IGI Global.
Refereed Book Chapters
Haas, L., Paige, L., & Tussey, J. (in progress, 2023). Disciplinary literacy and culturally responsive leadership. In B. Cager, J. Tussey, L. Haas, & M. Burke (Eds.), Culturally responsive leadership for social justice and academic equity for all. IGI Global.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2023). Literacy learning through film. In J. D. DeHart (Ed.), Enhancing education through multidisciplinary film teaching methodologies (143-164). IGI Global.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2022). Equity and engagement through digital storytelling and game-based learning. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Research Anthology on Developments in Gamification and Game-Based Learning (1451-1472). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-6684-3710-0.ch070.
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2022). Supporting students impacted by poverty through literacy methods, resources, and strategies. In J. Tussey & L. Haas (Eds.), Poverty Impacts on Literacy Education (235-251). IGI Global.
Clark, A., Van Dyke, M. K., Tussey, J. T., & Haas, L. (2022). Poverty effects on oral language development: Birth to third grade. In J. Tussey & L. Haas (Eds.), Poverty Impacts on Literacy Education (1-22). IGI Global.
Clark, A., Van Dyke, M. K., Tussey, J. T., & Haas, L. (2021). Literacy as support for social-emotional and academic growth. In. J. Tussey & L. Haas (Eds.), Supporting social and emotional development through literacy education (406-430). IGI Global.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Equity and engagement through digital storytelling and game-based learning. In L. Haas & J. Tussey (Eds.). Connecting disciplinary literacy to digital storytelling in K-12 education (257-277). IGI Global.
Tussey, J., Haas, L., & Garling, B. (2020). Bye-bye basal: Multimodal texts in the classroom. In P. M. Sullivan, J. L. Lantz, & B. A. Sullivan (Eds.), Handbook of research on integrating digital technology with literacy Ppdagogies (192-211). IGI Global.
Robnolt, V. J., Rhodes, J. A., Vasinda, S., & Haas, L. (2017). The use of e-portfolios in teacher education programs to support reflective practitioners in a digital world. In D. Loveless, P. Sullivan, K. Dredger, & J. Burns (Eds.), Deconstructing the educational-industrial complex in the digital age (104-115). IGI Global.
Refereed Publicatons Student Collaborators*
Tussey, J., Clark, A., & Haas, L. (2022). Behavior Supports for School and Home through Literacy Practices Based on Social-Emotional Learning. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin International: Journal for Professional Educators, 88(3), 57–61.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. T. (2021). Fanfiction as a support for writing engagement and development. The Oklahoma Reader, 57(1). 35-40.
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021). Questing with Dr. Seuss. The Delta Kappa Gamma Collegial Exchange, 87(4). 30-37.
Haas, L., Vasinda, S., McLeod, J., & Tussey, J. (2021). Expanding family literacy through video game playographies. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 22(1), 2-21.
Appleby, R.*, Mouw, R.*, Roland, S.*, Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2020). Observing with a purpose: Place-based learning, journaling, and discussion. Language Experience Forum Journal, 50(1), 1-17.
Boeset, B.*, Katzenstein, J.*, Mandernach, K.*, Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2020). Creating language experiences through traditions. Language Experience Forum Journal, 50(1), 18-27.
Tussey, J. T., & Haas, L. (2020). Supporting social-emotional learning with text sets in the elementary classroom. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 86(5), 30-36.
Vasinda, S., Haas, L., Schroeder, L.*, & Goode, K.* (2019). Trending topics of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers’ Annual Conference Yearbook: A content analysis and comparison for 2008-2017. In B. J. McClanahan, P. S. Lisenbee, W. M. Linek, & E. Jampole (Eds.), Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Ten-Year Retrospective (80-119).
Haas, L., & Gierstorf, M*. (2019). Mary Roe: Teacher, leader, advocate. In B. J. McClanahan, P. S. Lisenbee, W. M. Linek, & E. Jampole (Eds.), Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Ten-Year Retrospective (156-159).
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2019). Master course design: Equitable education opportunities for preservice literacy educators. In A. Babino, N. Cossa, J. J. Araujo, & R. D. Johnson (Eds.), Educating for a Just Society (183-192). Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.
Haas, L., & Mills, S. (2019). Exposure, experience, & empathy: Rural education, preservice teachers, & English language learner support. Language Experience Forum Journal 49(1), 1-17.
Denholm, J.*, Rohner, N.*, Voortmann, K.*, O'Bannon, A.*, & Haas, L. (2018). Connecting sports and the language experience approach. Language Experience Forum Journal, 48(1), 13-23.
Gleaves, G.*, Tjaden, M.*, Tyykila, K.*, O'Bannon, A.*, & Haas, L. (2018). Creating language experiences through field trips. Language Experience Forum Journal 48(1), 1-12.
McLeod, J. K., Dondlinger, M. J., Vasinda, S., & Haas, L. (2013). Digital play: Mathematical simulations transforming curiosity into play. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 5(2), 34-59.
Williams, S., Haas, L., & Szabo, S. (2013). Teacher inquiry projects for preservice teachers. In S. Szabo, L. Haas, L. Martin, & T. Morrison, (Eds.), Literacy is Transformative (241-254). Commerce, TX: Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.
Linek, W. M., Sampson, M. B., Haas, L., Nylan, M., Moore, L., & Sadler, D. (2012). The impact of teacher preparation: A study of alternative certification and traditionally prepared teachers in their first year of teaching. Issues in Teacher Education, 21(2), 67-82.
Glaeser, S., Haas, L., & Szabo, S. (2012). A colorful field of learners: Visualizing the beauty of diverse learners in a classroom community. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, 22(3).
Williams, S., Boggs, M., Haas, L., & Szabo, S. (2012). Preservice teachers’ knowledge and use of web 2.0 tools. Language Experience Forum Journal, 42(1), 18-24.
Haas, L., Linek, W. M., & Manning, C. (2012). Metacognition and social constructivism in the United States: Teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes about English language learners. In A. Godenir and M. Vanesse-Hannecart (Eds.), Literacy and Diversity (157-162). Mons, Belgium: BELFRA.
Haas, L., Linek, W. M., Manning, C., & Williams, S. (2011). Video games: The motivational value for literacy in English language learners. In T. Morrison, M. Boggs, L. Martin & S. Szabo (Eds.), Literacy Promises (251-258) Commerce, TX: Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.
Linek, W. M., Haas, L., & Glaeser, S. (2011). Metacognition and social constructivism: Teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes about English language learners in content areas. In T. Morrison, M. Boggs, L. Martin & S. Szabo (Eds.), Literacy Promises (131-150) Commerce, TX: Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.
Manning, C., Aliefendic, J., Chiarelli, M., Haas, L., & Williams, S. (2011). Inspirational impetuous: Lifelong learning. Journal of the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators, 21(1), 11-17.
Szabo, S., Lee, D., Vasinda, S., & Haas, L. (Eds.). (2015). Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 3(1).
Vasinda, S., Szabo, S., Haas, L., & Lee, D. (Eds.). (2014). Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 2(2).
Haas, L., Lee, D., Szabo, S., & Vasinda, S. (Eds.). (2014). Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 1(2).
Szabo, S., Haas, L., & Vasinda, S. (Eds.). (2014). Exploring the world of literacy. Commerce, TX: Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.
Haas, L., Lee, D., Szabo, S., & Vasinda, S. (Eds.). (2013). Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 1(1).
Szabo, S., Martin, L., Morrison, T., Haas, L., & Garza-Garcia, L. (Eds.). (2013). Literacy is transformative. Commerce, TX: Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.
Haas, L. (Ed.). (2013, Spring). Texas Association for Literacy Education Newsletter, 2(3).
Haas, L. (Ed.). (2012, Fall). Texas Association for Literacy Education Newsletter, 2(2).
Haas, L. (Ed.). (2012, Summer). Texas Association for Literacy Education Newsletter, 2(1).
Guest Blog Posts/Podcasts
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2022, April 21). Elementary Literacy Centers. World Literacy Foundation. https://worldliteracyfoundation.org/elementary-literacy-centers/
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2022, March 29). Games to support engaged literacy learning. World Literacy Foundation. https://worldliteracyfoundation.org/games-to-engage-literacy-learning/
Burkie, C. (Host). (2021, October 29). Student engagement through popular culture and digital literacy. In Beyond Words. World Literacy Summit. https://www.worldliteracysummit.org/literacy-podcast
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021, September 7). Girl power through literacy. World Literacy Summit. https://www.worldliteracysummit.org/girl-power-through-literacy/
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021, June 4). Fluency and goal setting for elementary students. World Literacy Summit. https://www.worldliteracysummit.org/fluency-and-goal-setting/
Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (2021, March 4). Enhancing language experience through digital literacy and popular culture. World Literacy Summit. https://www.worldliteracysummit.org/enhancing-language-experience-through-digital-literacy-and-popular-culture/
Tussey, J., & Haas, L. (2021, February 4). Combining social-emotional learning and literacy in early childhood classrooms. World Literacy Summit. https://www.worldliteracysummit.org/social-emotional-learning-and-literacy-in-early-childhood-classrooms/